Our return period is 30 days. If 30 days have passed after purchase, we unfortunately cannot offer you a refund. To claim a refund, the item must be returned undamaged and in its original packaging. The return address is: Birambi, Dorpsstraat 19 Huijbergen, 4635 BC.
When your return has been received and inspected, we will send you an email to let you know that we have received your return. In addition, we will inform you about the acceptance or rejection of your return. If your return has been approved, a refund will be created. The amount will automatically, within 2 weeks, be refunded to the account used for payment. We do not refund shipping costs.
If you have not yet received a refund, first check your account again. It may take a few days for this amount to be refunded. If no amount has been refunded after 2 weeks, you can contact the bank or credit card company. If you have done all this and still have not received a refund, please contact info@birambi.com
Only regular products come into contact for return. Items subject to a discount are not covered by the return policy.
We only exchange products if they are broken or damaged. If there is an exchange for the same product, send us an email to info@birambi.com. The broken or damaged product can be returned to Birambi, Dorpsstraat 19 Huijbergen, 4635 BC.
A return can be sent to:
Birambi, Dorpsstraat 19 Huijbergen, 4635 BC. (NL). You are responsible for paying the shipping costs for returning the product. Shipping costs are not returned. If you are shipping a valuable product, we recommend that you use traceable or registered shipping. We never guarantee that we will receive an item. This is the responsibility of the customer.